Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Slab-building is a way of creating geometrical forms of ceramics. To begin, I shaped a huge lump of wedged clay into a cube. This is done by rotating it to the sides, forming it into a cube (in my case, a cuboid). It is then placed on a folded piece of newspaper, with a yardstick on either side. The yardstick is used to guide my cutting wire which is used to slice even slabs out of the clay cube. This step is repeated until I have 6 + a few extra slabs for back-up purposes. Once they are leather-hard, these slabs will be used to form the box. The edges of these slabs are beveled at about 45 degrees angle all around. This is done with a ruler and a pen-knife. The surface of the edges are scored and given some slit before they are joined together. Score and smoothen out the joints. I did not have time to take the pictures as I'm busy with work but I will put some good links up soon.

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