Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wedging Clay

Wedging clay helps to remove air bubbles and it increases the plasticity of the clay. This is an essential process and if it's not done properly, say sayonara to your pot as trapped air bubbles will cause the pot to explode when it is fired. There are two basic ways to wedge the clay, namely the ox-head method and the spiral method.

The Ox-Head:

Place a mound of clay on the workbench
Hold the sides of the clay
Using your palms, push the clay downwards and away from your body
Roll the clay back towards you in a smooth rocking motion.
Repeat this rocking motion. 
The Spiral:

Place hands on the sides of the rounded mound of clay
Use your right hand to push down on the clay as you roll it towards your body.
Use your left hand to hold and rotate the clay, pushing against the rolling force.
Use your upper body weight to facilitate this motion.
Use your left hand to lift and pivot the clay anti-clockwise while your right hand pushes the clay downwards.
Rotate the clay and compress it against the workbench to remove the air bubbles. 

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